Key Features
The Dual Magnet design replicates the structure of the cutter head.
A ‘V’ form two magnet design mimics the Left & Right channel sides of the record groove. This feature, with the permalloy centre shield plate, provides a higher frequency response with electrical crosstalk typically better than 40dB.
The Magneto utilises a finely finished Elliptical stylus to ensure outstanding tracking ability and super quiet tracing of the record groove. Use of laminated Para-toroidal coils with ‘V’ geometry of the magnets also gives rise to higher efficiency in generating the output signal.
Replaceable Stylus
Integrated Stylus Guard
Stainless Steel Fixing Bolts, Washer & Hex Thumb Nuts
Easy Alignment Assist Marking
Product Specifications
Frequency Response
20 - 23,000Hz
Channel Separation
27dB (1kHz)
Output Channel Balance
1.5dB (1kHz)
Output Voltage
4.0mV (1kHz, 5cm/sec.)
Vertical Tracking Angle
Vertical Tracking Force Range
1.8 – 2.2g (2.0g standard)
Stylus Shape
Elliptical Bonded
Stylus Size
0.3 x 0.7 mil
Stylus Construction
Bonded Round Shank
Aluminium Tube
Coil Resistance
800Ω (DC)
Static Compliance
35 x 10⁶ cm/dyne
Dynamic Compliance
8 x 10⁶ cm/dyne (100Hz)
Recommended Load Impedance
Recommended Load Capacitance
100 – 200pF
17.3 (H) x 17.0 (W) x 28.2 (L) mm