The Vertere DG-1S Turntable
Kantata Audio is delighted to present our next event involving Vertere Acoustics and Mersaon DACS. The venue will be the Juniper and Balsam rooms in the conference suite of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 117 Milltown Road, Belfast BT8 7XP.
Touraj Moghaddam and Mike Burn will be on hand to demonstrate a range of Vertere's award winning turntables, cables and power supplies including the new XtraX and Dark Sabre cartridges! For those of you with long memories, Touraj was the co founder of Roksan back in 1985. Vertere turntables are truly high end with unparalled sound quality. There will be structured demonstrations of the range at 11:00am and 2:30pm Between these times walk ins are welcome with the unique opportunity to talk all things analogue with Touraj and Mike.
Also on demonstration will be the Merason range of digital to analogue converters. These fabulous units are made in Switzerland and, as with all brands at Kantata, exhibit exceptional sound quality at their price point. The plan is to have all three dacs (Frerot, Reuss and DAC 1 mkII) plus the optional POW power supply on demonstration. Structured demos will also be available.
Again, tickets and parking are free and there will be a prize draw. Look forward to seeing you there for what should be an fun afternoon with some exceptional hifi!