Black Beauty
Analogue Interconnect
“Mythical Horses”, Black Beauty and Pegasus, bring the proven advantages of ZERO-Tech to a much wider audience.
Most of the delightfully obviously sonic advantages of ZERO-Tech and the other refinements that enable the “Mythical Creatures” (Thunderbird, Firebird and Dragon) are just as unignorable when listening through Mythical Horses.
To keep the very complicated construction flexible, the upper Mythicals have 2 or 3 visible separate constructions. While also necessarily complex, Black Beauty and Pegasus are able to package all that ZERO-Tech goodness in single round cables.
Available Lengths: 0.5m - 10m
From £659
Key Features of Mythical Horses & Mythical Creatures.
ZERO-Tech (No Characteristic Impedance) optimises Noise-Dissaption and prevents distortion caused by source-to-cable and cable-to-load (input) mismatches.
Dedicated separate Double-Balanced RCA and Triple-Balances XLR constructions.
Perfect-Surface Conductors (Direction-Controlled Solid PSC+ Copper or
PSS Silver)
Carbon+Graphene Mesh-Network Noise-Dissipation
Silver-Plated or pure PSS Silver RF Drain-Wires (Direction-Controlled)
Copper or Silver-Plated Plug Casings maximize RF draining, minimizing RF
coupling to the conductors
Hanging-Silver over extreme-purity Red Copper electrical contacts